Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Head Start/Early Head Start Program

Supporting children's growth through positive learning environments.

Family Guidance Center of Alabama has become the grantee to operate the Head Start/Early Head Start program in Autauga, Chilton, Elmore, and Shelby counties. We're happy to be able to add this program to our family of Early Childhood Education programs and services.

Head Start programs promote the school readiness of infants, toddlers, and preschool-aged children from low-income families. Head Start programs also engage parents or other key family members in positive relationships, with a focus on family well-being. Parents participate in leadership roles, including having a say in program operations.

Head Start programs support children's growth in a positive learning environment through a variety of services, which include:

  • Early learning and development: Children's readiness for school and beyond is fostered through individualized learning experiences. Through relationships with adults, play, and planned and spontaneous instruction, children grow in many aspects of development. These include social skills, emotional well-being, language and literacy skills, mathematics, and science concepts. Early learning experiences also include the cultural and language heritage of each child and family in relevant ways. Parents, including grandparents, foster parents, and other primary caregivers, are recognized as children’s first and most influential teachers. Their knowledge of their children is central to each child’s individualized approach. Additionally, Head Start programs work with families, school districts and other entities to facilitate a smooth transition to kindergarten for each child.
  • Health: Health and physical development are crucial for early learning opportunities that require children to fully explore and experience their environment. Head Start programs provide safe and healthy learning experiences indoors and outdoors. All children receive health screenings and nutritious meals, and programs connect families with medical, dental, and mental health services to ensure children are receiving the care and attention they need. Children receive support for building resiliency to cope with possible adverse effects of trauma. Families also receive mental health consultation focused on each child's needs.
  • Family well-being: Parents and families are offered program services to support family well-being and to achieve family goals, such as housing stability, continued education, and financial security. Programs support and strengthen parent-child relationships and engage families in the learning and development of their child.

Head Start programs are available at no cost to children ages birth to 5 from low-income families. Families and children experiencing homelessness, and children in the foster care system are also eligible. Additionally, Head Start services are available to children with disabilities and other special needs.

Click here for a calendar of current events.

Download the 2022-2023 Annual Report

Coaching for Excellence in Employment Program | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Coaching for Excellence in Employment Program

The Coaching for Excellence in Employment program links DHR-referred individuals with a trained, on-staff Coach. Available statewide, the program emphasizes attainment of your life's goals with a focus on employment, and safe, nurturing families for children.

Having a Coach provides added motivation and inspiration to pursue your important goals. Coaches guide you in finding your own set of strategies that propel you forward instead of feeling like you are running in circles. They help you stay flexible so that when the first plan doesn’t work, you’re ready to try a new plan. Coaches believe in you. They believe that you are in charge of your life. Coaches help you realize that you have all the resources you need to succeed, and then help you access those personal resources.

Coaches help you:

  • Set a life plan with attainable action steps
  • Pursue education goals
  • Prepare for employment through career assessment, job training, and job search
  • Be successful on the job
  • Develop life skills
  • Balance life’s expectations with personal resources

Life Coaching is available at no cost to DHR-referred men and women who are pursuing education, employment, and family goals. Coaching for Excellence in Employment is a program of Family Guidance Center of Alabama in partnership with Alabama Department of Human Resources and is available statewide.

Strengthening Families Through Workforce Development | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Strengthening Families Through Workforce Development

Strengthening Families Through Workforce Development offers fathers an innovative, time-friendly way to receive services that explore your important role as a dad and meaningful ways to increase your financial well-being through job readiness and training, job search, and employment.
The program can help you access job training programs, get your GED, go to college, explore military opportunities, access member-only job announcement boards, fine-tune your life skills, find employers who are hiring, explore the different ways to play a positive role in your child’s life…and more.

Many of the program services are available 24/7 online and your Father Advocate will help you navigate all the services. Gatherings of dads are also offered so that you can share ideas with other men who are working toward similar goals.

Dads can mix and match services to best meet their needs. Membership is free. Help and support are always available.


Resources  Current Flyers Login and Get Started

Work Ready! Program | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Work Ready! Program

Helping young adults find success in employment and life.

Work Ready! offers a unique, interactive experience for young adults to gain and practice workplace skills, enter employment, and get underway on a lifelong career path.  Following a four-week, on-site learning experience, staff works with each participant to identify individual next steps that explore education, industry-approved credentialing, and employment.

Classes are forming now and spaces are limited. Be part of something new and innovative. Invest in yourself!

The program is designed for individuals, 16-24 years old, who are not in school, and reside in Montgomery, Autauga, Elmore, Lowndes, Butler, and Crenshaw counties.

Click here for the program flyer.

Click here for upcoming job readiness workshops and on-site interviews.

First Teacher Home Visiting Program | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

First Teacher Home Visiting Program

Free home visitation program that provides support and resources to families and caregivers.

First Teacher Home Visiting Program is a free home visitation program that provides support to pregnant women, mothers, fathers, and other caregivers of young children in their own home. Participants are provided with prenatal support, activities, books, and learning materials for children who are 5 years old and younger. Monthly visits include vision, hearing, and developmental screenings by a Parent Educator. This fun program also provides links to community resources, support through connections with other families, and guidance in setting and achieving personal and family goals.

First Teacher is available in the following eight counties: Bullock, Butler, Conecuh, Dallas, Marengo, Monroe, Montgomery, and Wilcox.

What are people saying about First Teacher?

  • It has made my children want to do more as far as learning and it has helped my youngest child’s vocabulary improve
  • It will prepare my child for school
  • I love this program
  • I have really learned a lot from this program
  • This program is perfect


In 2018, First Teacher completed the Parents as Teachers Quality Endorsement and Improvement Process and earned the highest designation: Blue Ribbon Affiliate status.  Being named a Blue Ribbon Affiliate affirms that our First Teacher Program is among the highest quality members of the home visitation and parent education field, implementing the evidence-based Parents as Teachers model with fidelity and quality.

Child Care Resource and Referral Services | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Child Care Resource and Referral Services

The Child Care Resource and Referral Service (CCR&R), Child Care Solutions, works in partnership with parents, child care providers, community agencies, business leaders, and government officials to make high quality child care available to families. Our services are designed to increase the supply of quality child care that is affordable and accessible, to educate the community about quality child care, to prepare individuals who plan to enter the field of child care, to support current child care providers and administrators with free or low cost training and technical assistance, and to assist families in locating child care to meet their needs.

Our core services include:

For Parents:

  • Consumer education/information in child care options
  • Child Care Referrals/Child Care Listings
  • Referral Services for Children with Special Needs
  • Parent Education Training and Resources
  • Resource Library with materials for children and parents
  • Information in Child Care Financial Assistance (Subsidy Program)

For Child Care Providers:

  • Referrals
  • Resource Lending Library*
  • Accreditation Assistance and Professional Development*
  • Training and Technical Assistance*
  • Mobile Resource Van *
  • Recognition of Professional Efforts
For Communities:
  • Reports on local child care supply and demand
  • Child Care Solutions and Care Options
  • Child Care Provider Recruitment: Centers/Homes
  • Information on How to Open Child Care Centers and Homes
  • Parenting Seminars
  • Information on Health and Safety, Early Literacy, and Child Development
For Employers:
  • Parenting Information and Seminars
  • Development of Child Care Programs
  • Enhanced Resource and Referral Programs
  • Child Care/Elder Care Benefit Options
  • Determination of Employee Child Care/Elder Care Needs through Work/Life Surveys and Evaluations
*Services available through Child Care Training and Education Department      

For more information, visit our Early Child Care articles.

Community/School Presentations | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Community/School Presentations

Family Guidance Center counselors are available for school presentations to parents, teachers, and students on such topics as anger management, stress management, grief and bereavement, bullying, problem solving and other areas of interest.

Senior Child Caregiver Program | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Senior Child Caregiver Program

In Alabama, children are often cared for by their grandparents or other relatives. However, the number of relatives over age 55 who are the primary caregivers for children is on the rise. According to the AARP, there has been a drastic increase in the number of senior child caregivers during the past five years. Senior caregivers often need resources in order to meet the needs of the children in their care.

An exciting partnership between the Central Alabama Aging Consortium and Family Guidance Center of Alabama produced a program designed to provide supportive services for Seniors who provide custodial care for children under the age of 18. The Senior Child Caregiver Program serves Seniors who are 55 years and older who reside in the counties of Montgomery, Elmore, and Autauga. Services available include:

  • Counseling
  • Information and Referral Services
  • Assistance with respite
  • Support Group and Educational Opportunities
  • Help with “parenting the second time around”
  • Health information
  • Kids and Kin Program Activities
Teen Services | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Teen Services

Promoting good decision-making & life skills.

Teen Services are designed to help adolescents explore pertinent issues and to develop the skills needed to self-direct. The agency also provides individual consultations with teens and their families.

Success by 6 | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Success by 6

Success By 6 is a community-based partnership consisting of parents, businesses, schools, and community leaders working together to deliver solutions and to ensure all children ages 0-6 develop the emotional, social, cognitive, and physical skills they need to be prepared for school -- and life. Success By 6 initiatives are tailored to the specific needs of children and families in each community.

Holistic Approach to Transforming Families:

Test scores at Chisholm Elementary School reflect that graduates of the Success By 6 Program have scored up to two full grades higher than children who did not attend the Success By 6 Program. Additionally, standardized test scores of children who complete the Success By 6 Program are 10 - 14 points higher than those of their classmates who did not attend the Success By 6 Program. 

Since 1997, more than 125 parents have earned their GED, and many parents have gone on to higher education.

5,320 children, birth to age 3, were provided “medical homes” for regular checkups and immunizations through a public health collaborative project.

Success By 6 Goals:

Children throughout Montgomery County will be ready for school and prepared for successful futures 

The level of parental knowledge and parental involvement in children's lives will be increased 

Public awareness on the importance of early learning and development, literacy, health and safety, and other children's issues will be increased throughout Montgomery County

Support for families and children will be provided through home visitation and case management services

Collaboration with schools, local organizations, and businesses will bridge the gaps in children's services

The Importance of the Early Years

Success By 6 builds on long-term studies and extensive research in the areas of brain development, high quality child care, and early intervention. According to scientific and medical research, the experiences of children in the first 6 years of life have a tremendous impact on later school and life success. Consider the following research findings:

90% of the brain's growth occurs during the first three years of life. 

When children aren't exposed to regular play in a stimulating environment with a nurturing caregiver, their brain size is 20-30% smaller than children their age who have had these experiences. 

Rocking, talking, singing, smiling, and touching affect the way a child's brain develops, which shapes the way a child learns, communicates, and behaves. 

Children who attend high quality early childhood programs are 50% less likely to need special education services.

Adults born in poverty who participated in quality learning programs at age 3 and 4 years had a 78% high school graduation rate, had 50% less criminal arrests, had higher earnings and property wealth, and had greater commitments to marriage and family. 

According to the High Scope/Perry Preschool Study, every $1.00 invested in high quality early education produced up to a $17.00 return.

What Are We Doing to Address the Needs of Families with Young Children? 

During the early childhood years, children develop important skills that lead to school readiness and future success. In addition to offering high quality early childhood services, Success by 6 provides a wide array of services to meet the needs of families and their young children. These services include:

  • Preschool/Pre-K classrooms for three and four year old children (Chisholm Baptist Church Community Center)
  • Pre-K at Davis Elementary School
  • Pre-K at Chisholm Elementary School
  • Community Public Awareness
  • Resource Materials
  • Parenting / Family Education 
  • Read to Me! Children’s Literacy Program
  • Free Children’s Books with participation in literacy activities
  • Motheread/Fatheread Literacy Program
  • Born Learning Home Visits / Case Management Services
  • GED Program through First Baptist Church and Nehemiah Center
  • Career Training and Resources through Family Guidance Center’s Family Service and Resource Program


Success By 6 was developed in 1988 by the United Way in Minneapolis, MN as a way to ensure Minneapolis children entered school ready to learn. In 1993, Success By 6 was implemented in Montgomery through a collaboration of the River Region United Way and the Montgomery YMCA. From 1993 to 1995, Family Guidance Center of Alabama provided teachers and classroom oversight for Success By 6 Pre-K classrooms.

In 2006, Success By 6 became a program of Family Guidance Center of Alabama. Sources of Success By 6 funding include the River Region United Way, The Children’s Trust Fund, Working Woman’s Home Association, and private donations.

Child Care Education and Training Program | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Child Care Education and Training Program

Providing continued education for child care providers.

The Child Care Education and Training Program provides continued education trainings for directors, assistant directors, center teachers, center staff, parents, and family child care providers.  We offer four specific training series that are designed for particular age groups, as well as general trainings related to child development.  Throughout the year the Child Care Education and Training Program in both Dothan and Montgomery offer special training events that include, Sensational Saturday Child Care Conference, Director's Conference, Supporting Children with Special Needs Conference, Week of the Young Child Teacher Training and Children's Concerts and Alabama Early Learning Guidelines Course.  To learn more about our four series, click the links below.

The Montgomery and Dothan Child Care Resource Lending Libraries, in partnership with the Department of Human Resources, promote quality child care by providing information, education, and assistance to child care providers and directors, parents, and community members.  Both are comprehensive lending libraries that offer children’s books, curriculum books for teachers, resource kits, video and audio tapes, and periodicals available for check out.

You are invited to arrange a tour of our libraries at your convenience. For information on how to become a library patron or library hours, please call or email Claire Wallace for the Montgomery location and Christine Gordon for the Dothan location.  To e-mail, click on the name.

Lisa Kirkland
Montgomery Resource Library
2358 Fairlane Drive
Montgomery, Alabama 36116
334.270.4100 or 800.499.6597

Michelle Woodham
Dothan Resource Library
545 West Main St. - Suite 311
Dothan, Alabama 36301
334.712.7777 or 800.290.0933

For a complete list of Die Cuts in the Montgomery Resource Library location, click here.

For a complete list of Die Cuts in the Dothan Resource Library location, click here.

Upcoming Events, Additional Information and Articles:

Please see your local Calendar and/or Newsletter for more information on these upcoming events-


Director's Conference

     Date: Saturday, June 29, 2024
     Time: 9:30 am- 12:30 pm
     Location: - 2358 Fairlane Dr Building D
                       Montgomery, AL 36116
For more information please contact: Roberta Esmond @ (334) 270-4100 ext.235


Child Care Training Calendars:

Child Care Training Newsletters:







Travelers Aid | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Travelers Aid

Assisting those with travel-related crisis needs.

Travelers Aid provides assistance to those in a travel-related crisis in the Montgomery area such as being stranded and without resources. Verifiable information is used to determine eligibility for services, which include financial assistance, information and referral, and resettlement support. Travelers Aid is part of the continuum of services offered through the Family Service Center of Montgomery County.

Filial Therapy | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Filial Therapy

Utilizing play therapy techniques, parents are taught to be therapeutic with their children. The parent is taught specific techniques and is observed by the therapist interacting with the child in the play therapy room.

Critical Incident Stress Management | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Critical Incident Stress Management

Critical Incident Stress Management is a service provided for businesses and other groups to address traumatic events occurring in the workplace and other such settings. Some examples include deaths, robberies, injuries and layoffs. Information is given to group participants about Post Traumatic Stress symptoms and healthy ways to cope. In addition, participants are allowed to share their experience of the event and receive support from facilitators and other participants. Supervisory personnel are given information about how to meet the needs of their employees

Group Counseling | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Group Counseling

Group Counseling sessions are facilitated by at least one graduate level counselor in areas such as stress management, co-dependency, inner child wellness, anger management, depression, and adolescent and parenting support groups. They usually meet on a weekly basis for a specified number of weeks. For information on upcoming groups, contact the counseling office at 270-4100.

Individual, Couple & Family Counseling | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Individual, Couple & Family Counseling

Our nationally accredited clinical counseling division is composed of experienced professionals who hold advanced degrees in the fields of psychology, social work, or counseling.

Confidential counseling services are provided for individuals, couples, or families who may be experiencing problems in their family, marriage, work, or personal lives. Our professional therapists work toward the achievement of agreed-upon goals within the counseling process. Counseling focuses on problem areas such as marriage, parent-child relationships, child/adolescent adjustment, step-family relationships, single parenting, divorce adjustment and adult life adjustment.

To make our services more readily available, day and evening counseling appointments are available. Fees for our counseling services are based on a sliding fee scale which is geared to household income and family size. In addition, selected insurance coverages are accepted.

Co-Parenting Programs | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Co-Parenting Programs

Co-Parenting after a divorce can be difficult. Documented research states that children benefit from a relationship with both parents. Therapists in the Family Guidance Center counseling department have developed a child-focused program that teaches divorced couples how to effectively parent their children.

Divorced couples work one on one with a trained therapist. Areas of focus include identifying parental strengths and weaknesses, improving communication skills, and learning conflict resolution skills. Our goal is to help divorced parents establish a co-parenting style that will promote stability, predictability, and a positive healthy environment for their children. Call the Family Guidance Center of Alabama at 334-270-4100 for more information.

Family Coaches Program | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Family Coaches Program

The Family Coaches Program was created in response to Welfare Reform, which became effective in December 1996, and helps individuals gain greater self-reliance through employment and enhanced life skills. Family Coaches Program offers direct services that include a clearinghouse for funds to assist with medical and dental needs, and an automobile donation program that provides vehicles to selected Alabama families. 

Recognizing the changes that take place and the potential obstacles for families moving from welfare to work, the Family Coaches Program offers assistance to address employment barriers, with specific attention to transportation and dental and eyecare needs. 

Exciting changes in self-reliance take place when transportation barriers are overcome. Having a vehicle makes sustained employment more probable, and allows parents to care for their children and themselves in ways that many of us take for granted. Grocery shopping, medical appointments, secondary education, and parent-teacher meetings are made more possible by having transportation. Thanks to vehicle donations from local families across Alabama, more than 50 Alabama families have received the gift of transportation. The Family Coaches Program has each donated vehicle inspected for road safety. Following the inspection and any minor repairs, a nomination process identifies eligible families that are working hard to acheive greater self-reliance and those that would benefit most from reliable transportation. For each vehicle donated to a family through the Family Coaches Program, the donor can claim the blue book value of their donated vehicle as a tax deduction. This win-win situation makes a notable, positive impact in the lives of so many Alabama families.

In a partnership with the Alabama Business and Professional Women's Foundation, Family Coaches Program has also helped more than 150 Alabama women receive much needed dental or eye care assistance. The Foundation has provided $56,000 in grant funds to Working Matters to assist eligible women.

The Family Coaches Program is a program supported by a collaborative effort between the Alabama Department of Human Resources, Family Guidance Center of Alabama and media partners in Montgomery and Birmingham. The Alabama Department of Human Resources provides the funding for the program while Family Guidance Center supports the program’s development through work with DHR in 34 Alabama counties.

The Family Coaches Program serves the following counties:

  • Autauga
  • Barbour
  • Bullock
  • Butler
  • Calhoun
  • Chambers
  • Chilton
  • Clay
  • Coffee
  • Conecuh
  • Covington
  • Crenshaw
  • Dale
  • Dallas
  • Elmore
  • Escambia
  • Geneva
  • Henry
  • Houston
  • Jefferson
  • Lee
  • Lowndes
  • Macon
  • Marengo
  • Monroe
  • Montgomery
  • Perry
  • Pike
  • Randolph
  • Russell
  • Shelby
  • Sumter
  • Tallapoosa
  • Wilcox
Family Service Centers | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Family Service Centers

Providing wrap-around services to help strengthen families.

Family Service Centers are the place where families meet to get information, share ideas, set goals, and make their goals happen. Available to all families residing in Montgomery County, Jefferson County, and Lowndes County, the centers offer a unique and exciting place for positive change. Many opportunities are available for you and your family through the centers. Because the centers are linked with many organizations and agencies in your area, you can be assured of being connected with as many services as you need. This program makes it easier for you to find answers to your family questions and receive the help you are looking for. In fact, we can bring some of the services right to your door!

Family Service Center of Montgomery County

Click here for a calendar of current events.

  • Healthy Parenting Support & Education Groups - explore with others the challenges of raising children.
  • Family Computer Room
  • Life Skills Seminars - nutrition, anger management, self-esteem and more.
  • Computer Classes -  from basic to more advanced software, emailing, and using the Internet
  • Family Advocacy Program - individualized support for you and your family. Advocates help you identify important goals and take the steps needed to reach those goals.
  • Money Management and Budgeting Services
  • Work Ready! - specialized services for young adults, 16-24, who are out of school and wanting to undertake a career plan.
  • Annual Food Pantry Event - this annual event brings high quality food to families.
  • On-site GED classes - offered through Trenholm State College.
  • Parenting Matters Program addressing the specialized needs of fathers.
  • Healthy Relationship Classes for Couples through our LIFT Program- your whole family benefits when your relationship is strong.

Family Service Center of Jefferson County

Click here for a calendar of current events.

  • Family Advocacy - individualized support for you and your family. Advocates help you identify important goals and take the steps needed to reach those goals.
  • Parenting Support & Education Groups - explore with others the challenges of raising children.
  • Small Wonders - A special home visitation service for families with a child who is medically fragile or developmentally delayed.
  • Counseling Services - for individuals, couples, and families- confidential counseling services to address a wide variety of interpersonal issues.
  • Computer Lab and Training Classes
  • Life Skills Seminars
  • Parenting Matters Program addressing the specialized needs of fathers.

Family Service Center of Lowndes County

Click here for a calendar of current events.

  • Family Advocacy - individualized support for you and your family. Advocates help you identify important goals and take the steps needed to reach those goals.
  • Career Readiness - offers a range of employment readiness and retention services, including help in applying for college or technical school.
  • Computer Lab and Classes - Internet linked computers available for family use.
  • Life Skills Seminars - are offered on a variety of topics including anger management and budgeting.
  • Annual Food Pantry Events (Hayneville and Ft. Deposit) - these annual events brings high quality food to families.
  • Work Ready! - specialized services for young adults, 16-24, who are out of school and wanting to undertake a career plan.
  • On-site GED classess - offered through Wallace State College.
  • On-site employment assistance through the Career Center of Montgomery..



Centers funded in part by grants from the Alabama Department of Human Resources, Family Preservation and Support Services.

Kids & Kin | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Kids & Kin

From early childhood to teenage years, helping children reach their full potential through emotional, social and intellectual support.

The Kids and Kin Program has been specifically designed to meet the needs of relative child care providers and to raise their level of awareness about the importance of their roles. Educational workshops, resources, support activities, and a quarterly provider newsletter are offered to relative care providers which impact the quality of child care available in our communities. Kids and Kin includes a Voluntary Certification Program through which providers earn health and safety items, books, and learning materials for attending free training sessions related to quality child care enhancement. Participation in the Kids and Kin Program is free.

The Kids and Kin Program provides services to Relative Child Care Providers in all 67 Alabama counties.

Eligibility Requirements to participate in the Kids and Kin Program:

  • Must be at least 19 years old
  • Must be providing child care for a grandchild, niece, nephew, or sibling who is not over 12 years of age
  • Cannot be the child’s legal guardian or foster parent
  • Cannot be a licensed child care provider
Child Care Financial Assistance | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Child Care Financial Assistance

Child Care is one of the biggest expenses of working parents. It is estimated that low-income families often pay more than 30% of their take-home pay for child care. Subsidized child care makes it possible for parents to work or attend school, and thereby meet their goals of self-sufficiency. Each year, Family Guidance Center helps more than 5,000 families pay for child care in 18 counties:

Dothan Region:

Barbour, Coffee, Crenshaw, Dale, Geneva, Henry, Houston and Pike

Montgomery Region:

Autauga, Bullock, Butler, Chilton, Covington, Dallas, Elmore, Lowndes, Montgomery and Wilcox


What is Subsidized Child Care?

Financial assistance is available to help parents pay for child care. The funds, which are a combination of federal and state funds, are locally administered through Family Guidance Center and other Child Care Management Programs. Each family chooses the type of child care arrangement they feel is best for their child. (See the 'Choosing Child Care' pamphlet in the forms below for more information.)

Who is Eligible for Services?

Low income families who are in need of affordable quality child care. You must meet the following criteria:

  1. The parent or guardian must live in one of the following counties:
    • Dothan Region:
      Barbour, Coffee, Crenshaw, Dale, Geneva, Henry, Houston and Pike
    • Montgomery Region:
      Autauga, Bullock, Butler, Chilton, Covington, Dallas, Elmore, Lowndes, Montgomery and Wilcox
  2. You must be employed or a student in an allowable educational program.
  3. You must be income eligible according to the number of persons in your family.
  4. You may be referred to us by Department of Human Resources JOBS, Protective Service, or Foster Care Units.


Who is included in a Family?

Family is the basic family unit consisting of an adult and his or her spouse (including common law), children under 18 years of age, and minor parents under 18 years of age and their children, related by blood, marriage, or adoption, who are residing in the same household.

Child Care Management Services Hours of Operation:

We are open Monday through Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

We are closed all State of Alabama Holidays

If you need to speak to a Supervisor for Family Guidance Center of Alabama, please call 800.499.6597 and ask for Anita Williams, CMA Director .

Child Care Financial Assistance Documents

Small Wonders | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Small Wonders

Supporting parents who are raising a special needs child.

Small Wonders is a home visitation program designed to support families who are caring for a child who is chronically ill, medically fragile, or developmentally delayed. This innovative program assists families in Jefferson and Shelby Counties by helping parents reduce parental stress by enhancing their skills and knowledge in areas such as healthy child development, stress management, and effective parenting and discipline.

Therapeutic Counseling & Visitation | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Therapeutic Counseling & Visitation

Therapeutic Visitation Services are provided for families referred through the court system or DHR. Services provide an interactive way to assist parents in developing a healthy and appropriate style of parenting. Family Guidance Center clinicians observe interactions between parents and the child and are available to intervene to provide support, teaching, and interpretation for appropriate parenting techniques or to correct deficiencies in a safe and supportive environment.

Working Matters Program | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Working Matters Program

Helping individuals transition from public assistance to self-reliance through employment.

The Working Matters Program is designed to help individuals overcome their specific employment barriers. Piloted in Jefferson County in FY08, Working Matters expanded services and added Montgomery, Lowndes, and Dallas Counties to its service area in FY09. The program is funded by Alabama Department of Human Resources as part of their Integrated Work Support Programs.

The Working Matters Program addresses the work-first, personal responsibility model of core and supportive services designed to move individuals off public assistance and into self-reliance through gainful employment. Working Matters targets the hard-to-employ TANF recipient, as well as, the ready-to-employ or newly employed recipient who needs support to locate and to retain employment. Services meet the federal core hours, while providing wrap-around services that help promote sustained positive change including long-term retention of employment and recognition of the benefits gained from greater self-reliance.

The program assists participants in achieving enhanced, long-term self-reliance through gainful employment by placing individuals in volunteer work-readiness "CEMP" placements in local agencies and businesses.The Working Matters Program utilizes an effective individualized case management model with an array of core and supportive services.

Computer Classes | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Computer Classes

Gaining skills in the world of technology.

Computer Classes are available to the public, at no cost, to help individuals successfully manuever their way in the world of technology. From basic computer skill classes to the use of more intensive softwares, computer classes and open computer labs allow for both group instruction and self-paced learning.

Computer labs with access to Internet and printing are available at no cost for public use at the agency's Family Service Centers in Montgomery, Birmingham, and Hayneville.

Money Management Classes | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Money Management Classes

Helping families build and use financial literacy skills.

Money Management is a cornerstone to the economic health of families and there are many techniques families can use to better manage their dollars. Using a variety of curricula, including FDIC-developed Money Smart, adults and teens can explore ways to stretch their dollars, avoid common missteps, and gain the satisfaction and safety that comes from being more financially savvy and self-reliant.

Life Skills Classes | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Life Skills Classes

Helping families develop and practice life skills.

Life Skills Classes are offered on a wide range of topics such as anger management, stress reduction, balancing home and work, and meal planning on a budget. Many seminars are offered in a single class format while others may meet once a week for several weeks.

Parenting Matters Program | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Parenting Matters Program

Specialized services for fathers seeking employment.

Parenting Matters Program provides support services for fathers in the greater Montgomery, Birmingham, and Lowndes County who are seeking economic stability through employment. 

Services include:

  • One-to-one consultation and support
  • Seven specialized job readiness seminars
  • Intensive multi-week job readiness class
  • Assistance with job search & employment placement
  • Supportive services to help individuals transition into employment

Click here for the program newsletter.







Parenting Education Services | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Parenting Education Services

Parenting Education Services assists parents in learning important facts about their child’s development and to practice new and effective parenting skills. Whether offered in a group setting, through a personal home visit, or through a parents’ support group, parenting education helps adults to be the kind of nurturing, involved parents they want to be.

Case Management Services | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Case Management Services

One-to-one help in setting & achieving life goals.

Family Advocacy (Case Management) is designed to help individuals and families identify, set, and achieve specific goals that the family selects. Family Advocates work one-to-one to help families map out a blueprint for their lives and to celebrate their accomplishments in attaining their goals. Family Advocates are available through the agency's three Family Service Centers, located in Montgomery, Lowndes, and Jefferson Counties.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

The Employee Assistance Program provides confidential counseling and referral programs on a contractual basis to the business and industrial community. These services include the provision of comprehensive counseling services and child care resource and referral services.

Client Companies Currently Being Served Includes

  • Xerox Corporation
  • Ryder System, Inc.
  • Purina Mills Co.
  • International Paper
  • Prudential Insurance
  • Equitable Life Insurance
  • Snap-On Tools
  • Southern Cotten Oil Co.
  • Knology
  • Miltope Corporation
  • Montgomery Advertiser
  • Montgomery Cancer Center
  • Ceridian
  • Crisis Care Network
  • Carebridge
  • Chestnut
  • Corporate Health
  • FEI Behavioral Health
  • Jewish Federation
  • Lifestyle
  • Magellan Health Services
Job Readiness | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Job Readiness

Preparing for success in the world of work.

Family Guidance Center helps individuals prepare for success in the world of work through many services, including: resume development, interviewing skills, job search, and work ethics. Individual and group opportunities are available to assist individuals in gaining workplace skills that lead to securing and maintaining employment.

Life Is Fun Together (LIFT) | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Life Is Fun Together (LIFT)

Providing healthy relationship & marriage education to promote family well-being.

LIFT is a FREE program through the Family Guidance Center of Alabama and a partnership with the Alabama Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education Project (AHMRE). LIFT provides relationship and marriage education and real-world skills through fun, distinctive workshops, information & referral services, ongoing support, and the LIFT library. LIFT currently has programs for adult couples. Dating couples, premarital couples, and married couples can all enjoy the benefits of LIFT workshops. 


(The production of this webpage was supported by Grant: #90ZB0007 from the Administration for Children and Families. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the AHMRE project and do not necessarily represent the official views of ACF. These services are available to all eligible persons, regardless of race, gender, age, disability or religion.)

1/20/24 UPDATE- Registration for our February classes starts NOW. To join the class submit your contact information

Our Workshops


ELEVATE is a couples education program that blends 7 practical skills with an understanding of the physiology of human interaction (the heart-brain-behavior connection). Get skills to help manage stress and reduce conflict. Learn how to relax, get to know each other more deeply, and make your relationship something you look forward to every day!

ELEVATE is based on these 7 Core Components:


More Information


Press Release Information

More About The Alabama Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education Project

Families In Transition (FIT) | Family Guidance Center - Family support, parenting education, counseling services and more for Alabama

Family Guidance Center

A Non-Profit Organization Providing Services for Alabama Families Since 1959

Families In Transition (FIT)

Parental separation and divorce is a painful experience for your children and it creates many changes in their lives. Your children will likely experience feelings such as guilt, anger, embarrassment, disbelief, fear, and grief. Your children will have many divorce-related questions: “Why are you getting a divorce?” “What will happen to us?” “What should I tell my friends?” Your children will need appropriate answers to these and other questions. Our program helps to address some of these issues. The FIT Program is not group therapy. We do have trained professionals who conduct the adult, adolescent, and children’s groups.


Separation and divorce required you and your children to adapt to a rapid change. There are some things you can do to make the changes easier for your children. When you and your spouse are able to work cooperatively to meet the needs of your children, it decreases the likelihood that you will return to court to resolve these differences. For this reason, an educational program to support you and your children has been established. The Court hopes to assist you and your children to cope more effectively with the problems that result from divorce by requiring you to complete the Families In Transition Program. You and your children must complete the entire program.


The Families In Transition Program is designed to help you and your children cope effectively with issues that result from divorce. You and your spouse are required by the Court to attend separate sessions. The parent with whom the children reside is responsible for ensuring the children’s attendance. Sessions will be limited to 25 parents per session. Pre-registration is required.

The FIT class is a 4 hour commitment

Saturday classes are 1 day only and are held every 6 to 8 weeks.
Sessions will be held at Family Guidance Center of Alabama, 2358 Fairlane Drive in Montgomery.
A $90 fee is charged for this program. Only cash and money orders are accepted.

To register, please contact the Counseling Department 270.4100 and request admission to the FIT Program.